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Backyard Lighting Ideas for a PartyAs the seasons change and temperatures increase, chances are you’re considering throwing a party. And from wedding and graduation season to Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, there’s no shortage of reasons to celebrate. If you’re going to throw a bash you’re going to want to set the right mood, and there’s no better way to do so than with decorative lighting. The patio light installation experts at Stay Off the Roof have compiled a fun list of the best do-it-yourself backyard lighting ideas for a party.

Creative & Cheap Backyard Lighting Ideas

    1. Create Tin Can Lanterns

You can show off your creative side with tin can lanterns. The supplies you need include tin cans, a hammer and nails, bailing wire, pliers, a tea light candle or mini LED candle and some spray paint. Begin by using some WD-40 to remove all the glue and labels from the cans. Next, fill the cans with water and leave them in the freezer until they are frozen solid. Using the hammer and nail, punch two holes across from each other at the top of the can. You can also use the hammer and nail to pound out any custom designs you wish to include in the body of the can.

Once the designs are complete, hammer down the bulge in the bottom of the can. Now it’s time to make the handle. Do this by cutting a strip of the bailing wire and curving it in the shape of a hook. Then stick the hooks through the handle holes on top. Finally, add some paint of your choosing. Once dry, add a candle and your lantern is ready for prime time!

      1. Make Cupcake Lights

Backyard Lighting Ideas for a PartyCupcake liners are perfect for decorating existing bistro lights in your backyard. All you need for this project is an X-Acto knife and some cupcake liners you can get at any grocery store. Simply cross cut (or make an X) in the bottom of the liner. Then remove the bistro light from the socket, add the liner and reinsert the bulb. Make sure the paper from the liner doesn’t directly touch the bulb and remove all the liners at the end of your party or event.

      1. Make Candle Holders with Mason Jars

Mason jars are great for a variety of things around the home. They also make wonderful candle holders. For this project, you’ll need some empty jars, scissors, a sponge brush, glue and some leaves or vintage book pages, newspapers or sheet music for decorating. Begin by cutting the paper into smaller strips and pieces.  Apply glue to the strips using the sponge brush and attach it to the jar. Repeat this process until you’ve covered the outside of the jar to your satisfaction. Once the glue has dried, insert the tea lights into the bottom of the jar. The jars can serve plenty of other purposes after your party, such as pencil or utensil holders. You can even give them away to guests after the event.

      1. Build an Ice Lantern

Backyard Lighting Ideas for a PartyIt may not last long in the desert, but an ice lantern is a cool addition to any party. All you’ll need for this DIY project is water, some tea lights, plastic cups and plastic containers. Begin by adding water to a small plastic cup and place it inside a bigger container. Then fill the large container with water and place it in a freezer. After freezing overnight, unmold the lantern by running warm water over the outside. Don’t panic if the ice cracks. Finally, set the lantern outside and add the candle to the smaller container.

      1. Create a Chandelier Using a Hula Hoop

Backyard Lighting Ideas for a PartyDo you want to add an outdoor chandelier without the outrageous cost? Then you should consider creating your own using a hula hoop. All you’ll need is a hoop, some Christmas or fairy lights, and ribbon or lace. To begin, simply wrap the lights around the hoop. Then crisscross the ribbon or lace in the center of the hoop and secure it using a hot glue gun. Once the lace has been attached, you can hang the hoop by stapling or nailing the center of the lace to an outdoor ceiling.

Have your own decorative lighting ideas for an outdoor soirée? Feel free to include them in the comment section below!